Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: 10/15/2012
Review Notification: 12/31/2012
Camera Ready and registration Deadline: 01/15/2013
Conference Date: (03/25-28/2013)
3/25/2013 -- Workshop and Tutorial Day
3/26/2013 - 3/28/2013 -- Conference Day
This symposium will provide a great platform to allow researchers and
professionals in the industry to exchange their latest research results
and development activities on mobile cloud computing and services. The
primary objective is to share research ideas and results, emergent
industry technologies on the latest advances in mobile cloud computing
and services, and mobile computing and applications.
During two days, the symposium will host a number of invited speakers
who will give tutorials and research talks related to security issues in
mobile computing and cloud computing.
Symposium Tracks:
This symposium seeks to bring together researchers and practitioners
interested in all aspects of mobile cloud computing, engineering, and
service, including but not limited to:
Research Tracks on Mobile Cloud Computing and Services:
(a) Mobile Cloud Computing
- Mobile cloud computing models, infrastructures, and approaches.
- Green computing and networking, and energy saving analysis and decision solutions
- Resource management, provision, and migration
- Transmission protocols and scheduling algorithms
- Security and privacy issues, solutions, and tools for mobile clouds, mobile SaaS, and wireless networks.
- Mobility modeling, management solutions and measurement techniques
- Mobile-aware cloud databases , data retrievals,
- Mobile-aware networking, protocols, and infrastructures
- Mobile multimedia content delivery, transferring, and migration
- Different types of mobile clouds, including community, private, public, and ad-hoc mobile clouds.
(b) Mobile Cloud Services and Applications
- Mobile software-as-a-service (MSaaS)
- Mobile Data-as-a-Service (MDaaS)
- Mobile Platform-as-a-Service (MPaaS)
- Mobile Infrastructure-as-a-Service (MIaaS)
- Mobile Network-as-a-Service(MNaaS)
- Mobile-based Testing-as-a-Service (MTaaS)
- Mobile Multimedia Services and applications
- Mobile Society Media and Community Services
- Mobile Clouds for E-Commerce Services
- Location-based mobile cloud applications and services
(c) Engineering Mobile Clouds and Mobile-Based Systems
- Innovative infrastructures, architectures, and middle-wares
- Modeling, analysis, and design methodologies and tools for building mobile clouds and MSaaS
- Collaboration, management, and administration of mobile clouds and services
- Monitoring solutions and evaluation techniques for mobile clouds and MSaaS
- Mobile testing tools and on-demand validation techniques for mobile clouds and mobile-based applications
- Quality of service on mobile clouds and applications, including
reliability, availability, scalability, performance, and load balance.
- Mobile connectivity and protocols between mobile SaaS and mobile clouds
- Knowledge engineering and data mining techniques and systems on clouds
- Mobile device, storage, and wireless network virtualization
Enabled Technology Track on Mobile Computing, Mobile Clouds, and Pervasive Computing:
- Energy-saving wireless communication technologies
- Novel mobile-ware database technologies
- Innovative mobile platforms(or OS) and client technologies for mobile cloud computing
- Urban sensing and crowd-sensing, and smart sensor networks
- Emergent barcode/Tag/RFID/NFC-based mobile technologies
- Mobile cloud data center and storage technology
- Augmenting pervasive environments
Application Track on Mobile Computing and Mobile Cloud Services:
- Next generation mobile application enabled by the cloud
- Cloud-based mobile media systems and social networks
- Novel mobile cloud systems and wireless-based applications in
e-health, e-learning, e- banking, e-manufacturing, supply-chain, and
- Smart mobile computing SaaS on clouds
- Mobile context-aware services and computing for clouds
- Cloud-based mobile commerce applications and systems (mobile and
pervasive advertising, mobile payment, and product delivery and
- Location-aware mobile applications on clouds
- Cloud-based mobile app. store and environments
Reviews, Survey Papers, and Experience Reports:
- State-of-the-art survey reports on the existing mobile cloud and mobile computing technologies
- Comparison and analysis of emergent cloud enabled mobile technologies
- Research reviews on engineering topics for mobile computing and mobile cloud services
- Industry reports on experience and lessons
- Research case study and experimental reports